While there are adoption stories published out there I have not seen many take the reader from the beginning through the children's adulthood. Such will be the intent of this blog and it's my hope it will inspire some to take the leap and adopt. Secondly, I hope our experience may serve some of you to deal with the growing pains of adolescent and adult adoptees from the "...been there, done that." perspective.
But first, I'm going to take this first blog and dedicate it to our annual family newsletter. Its a tradition started many years ago by this writer to bring family and friends up-to-date on the latest news of our family at Christmas time. It serves as our "Christmas Card" and it has gained a sort of notoriety in that the usual recipients are beginning to ask if it will makes its appearance again this holiday season. The answer is "Yes" if this new blogger can source the method to post it here? You can look at this as a little preview to future postings of the earlier years of the Ruffin Family. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Ruffin Family 2009
Here we are at Christmas
Another year has passed.
Its time for our letter
The news of all our cast.
What we did and where
Is listed here for you
Sit back, relax, and get comfy,
This letter’s overdue!
Running was the reason
We four got on a plane.
Destined for the east coast
Half-marathon, one-half sane.
Only one did run the course,
You’d say the rest did “rest”,
Across the line we drank the beer
But their cheering was the best!
Here’s surprise #1,
Its really quite a shock!
Michael is our youngest
And has always been a jock.
He’s nearly earned a Masters
In Statistics and there’s more,
A PhD he’s earning next,
We nearly hit the floor!
Our oldest son is next in verse,
He’s ventured from the nest.
Scott, is in Washington
And having a long rest.
Construction there is a little slow
And jobs are very tight,
Meanwhile he’s getting citizenship,
With paperwork done just right!
Kevin is our next to cover,
We’re glad to say he’s wella.
He works around some real fine wine
The vineyard’s name “itsa” Bella (Victorian).
He has a dog who is a beaut,
He’s big and black and white.
He acts just like a great big puppy,
Who likes to play not bite.
Zachary and Alexis,
Our grandkids not the last.
They live so very close to us,
And growing up so fast.
Alexis is seven and Zach is five,
Two kids with lots to do.
Shane & Christy do their best,
And are good at running, too!
Second surprise is coming next,
Our Jennifer is highlighted.
She’s moving soon, Boston bound
You’d say she is excited!
Following her heart & employment, too,
The guy you see we like.
We ask you all to wish her well,
And, oh yeah, his name is Mike.
Danny, great job. You are hard to keep up with.